Mar 3, 2013

The Closure!

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 37; the thirty-seventh edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The theme for the month is "Truth is stranger than fiction"
Suhas was waiting for Sabrina at the beach cafe
He could not let everything fade away
He wanted some answers and needed a closure
For he could not bear that this relationship was becoming a failure
If it needed to end, it will end today and she cannot shut him away.

Sabrina appears at the twilight,
And suddenly Sushas sees a ray of light
He looks into her beautiful eyes
Innocence, love, warmth he notice they comprise
And recalls how he fell for those eyes, yes it was love at first sight.

Pulling himself back to reality
He shook hands with her out of formality
He asks Sabrina for an explanation
Why she was ending this relation
Ending it on basis of a different religion seemed such abnormality.

Sabrina holds his hand, for she knows he is her addiction
Yet she has to leave for she cannot act out of her jurisdiction
She begs and pleads him to accept the truth
Tells him that there is no one to give them ruth
Alas, they have to depart for truth is stranger than fiction.
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Introduced By: Someone is Special, Participation Count: 01
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  1. Nyc post short nd sweet all d best.... This clousure show still till day people are nerrow mainded.. Think abt cast.. Need change..keep writing... Do visit my post on same concept

    1. Hi Ajnabi, thank you for liking my post :)

  2. It is so difficult to comprehend that even in this day and age, a union of two religions is still viewed as taboo. Our country has at long last come to terms with marriages between the North and the South, the East and the West, but we are still divided by caste and religion.

    An evocative, wistful poem. Touching!

    Mixi (My BAT Entry)

    1. Yes Mixi and sadly, this is true. Although there are a few couples who marry out of religion, a thing called society kicks them out and it's so-called norms haunts them and forces them sometimes to take extreme steps.

      Thanks, though for liking my post :)

  3. its difficult to digest the fact that people still harvest this kind of view and consider it as a sin
    but having said that I think if one makes the choice well aware of the situation, then it is being unfair to the other to back off at the twilight fearing the consequnces
    ATB for BAT
    do drop in at:
    - Don't Whine

  4. Though this situation has started undergoing a transformation , the carving evil is yet to be erased wholly . Love knows no boundaries . The depth of this truth needs to be highlighted more in this society . Let us hope for a much larger transformation .

    You have done a great job in baring the stark truth . loved reading it :)

    1. Thanks so much Maliny for yout comments :) Like you said it will take much longer time than we think for the transformation.

  5. very thoughtful take. Tough to cope religions.

    1. Indeed!

      Thanks so much for stopping by Rio :)

  6. it touched a personal chord deep inside..

  7. A sad Truth; well expressed.

  8. Truth is that the indifference's are occurring with in same religion in perspective to crossing states/religions. Though the shadows are there everywhere but its truth that the nature of addiction kills other side like the way over confidence is drowned over confidence. In the climax part of justification without going into roots you just give sense of touch-ability in terms of understanding. Well written. ATB for BAT 37

    1. Thank you very much Vajra for your valuable comments:)

  9. a story told in poetic way,applaudable

  10. Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :D
    And very nicely written! You've expressed it so well.
    Following you now! :D

  11. I agree.. a sad truth.. but beautifully written :) all the best

    1. Hi Karan, thanks a lot for your comments :)

  12. Nicely written. The situation conveyed in your ballad is changing but nonetheless exists.. all the best for BAT...

    1. Hi Shrikant, Thanks for stopping by. I am glad you liked it :)
